Inserting videos with the Video Chooser.When inserting videos into content pages in netAdventist you can set the video dimensions by entering the size while inserting the video. Keep in mind that the bigger the video window, the lower the resolution will be and it will increase the time it takes to load and play the video.
Only .mp4 with a codec based on H.264 or a newer format will play on netAdventist. The video size limit is 250MB each on all our servers. If your video is larger, you can consider compressing it down or dividing it into parts. Some use Vimeo or youTube and then put the link on their site. Two options to convert video formats for free:
Here are the steps:
- If you haven't already done so, Log in and go to the Dashboard. You are taken to the Site Content tab. The homepage preview is displayed by default. Select the Edit link at the top of the page. Or you can select Content Pages and choose one.
- Place your cursor where you want to place your video. If you fail to place your cursor, the video you are inserting will appear at the top of the page.
- Select the Video Chooser tool in the top line of tools 4th from the end. A dialog box opens.
- Either upload a new video by choosing the upload tab and then browse for a new video and upload and insert it or choose a video that is already in the list by selecting the checkbox in front of the video and then select your video size by enter its dimensions then select Insert.
- To adjust the inserted video size, alignment or dimensions either select the whole image and drag the corners to the correct size or select the Insert/Edit Image tool in the second row of tools. Even though a video isn't an image, alignment and dimension can be adjusted here. Note the image tool will be highlighted after you select the image. A dialog box will open giving you the choice to set the parameters including number of pixels height and width.
- Select Update when finished and then Save for the content page.
Note: You have the ability to enlarge or reduce a video once it is inserted. You will lose resolution if you enlarge a small video, so insert a larger video and reduce it to size by selecting the video and use the edge marks to reduce the video to size. This will avoid pixelization.