Adventist Corporate Theme

Sites using the Adventist framework will visually identify with and many other denominational sites, while maintaining their own unique elements. Key features include large locally supplied photos, the option to include the Adventist Beliefs widget that ties to, responsive code that helps your site look great on everything from smartphones to big computer screens, and configurable links to social media sites.

Note: Widgets that you have configured for use with your existing theme and layouts may disappear when you switch to the new Adventist Corporate Theme. You can check if the names of the containers are different, which is what causes this to happen. If there are containers with the same name on the new theme you plan to use, you can move the widgets to those containers before switching themes, and then distribute them after the switch. If the container names are different, you can make some notes about them before you switch themes. Don’t worry, you can switch back to your previous theme if needed and they will reappear. Your work will be much easier if you have a few nice images ready to upload and feature on the main page.

These instructions have been updated for the Adventist.corporate V3 theme.

  • If you haven't already done so, Log in and go to the Dashboard. You are taken to the Site Content tab.
  • Select Settings on the horizontal navigation bar, then Themes and templates on the left navigation bar. Select the button Change theme.
  • Select the Adventist.corporate V3 theme. You can select Preview first if you want to see what it will look like. This will open a new tab. Note: the horizontal main menu on the V2 theme has limited space for around 7 main menu items. Other items can be sub-menu items or a Menu Widget can be created. With V3, if the main menu items don’t fit, a + will appear on the right side. When you click on the +, a popup window will open with all the main menu and submenu items. See the training videos for Main Menu or Menu Widget for further instructions if needed. If you are not ready to change the theme, select Reset Theme on the preview to keep the previous theme you were using. To change to the new theme, click on the Choose as Theme button in the dialog box.
  • You can customize your theme colors. The color that is selected will have a white border with a shadow. Select a new preference for the Primary color then wait for it to load. You will see the shadow has moved to your new selection. Repeat the process to change the Background color. You can see what the site will look like by selecting View Site on the upper right, which will appear in a new tab. This process can be done multiple times to view different color combinations until you find the one you like best. You can then close the extra tabs.  
  • Now select the Settings tab, then Setup Details. Make sure the Site Name and Description are fairly short and succinct. Select the Save button. 
  • To add social media links for Facebook and Twitter, and others, select Social Networks. Fill in the appropriate URLs. Then click on the Save button. If you leave these blank, the corresponding icon on your site will just not be shown.
  • To create a homepage slideshow, in Site Content on the horizontal navigation bar select Slideshows on the left navigation bar. With Adventist Corporate V3 and the Banner Image widget you get a full width image. See the Banner Image Widget training video for further instructions if needed. With Adventist Corporate V1 and V2, the title and description will appear to the side of the image. The Slideshow widget shows up automatically. See the Slideshow training video for further instructions if needed. You may have to adjust slideshow images to fit the theme. A banner widget container can be 1200 pixels when used in a header widget. The height can be basically however much you want. Select the Add a slideshow button. Select Next. Once you have added your images, select the Save button.
  • Once your slideshow has been created, to place the slideshow on your website, select Themes and templates in the left navigation bar, scroll down and select Edit template next to home and select the Widgets tab. If the slideshow widget isn’t already there, select the Click here to add widgets link inside the widget container.  Find the Slideshow widget in the list, select its checkbox and select the Add widgets button.
  • Select the Slideshow link in the placed widget.  Select the Select a slideshow to display dropdown and choose the slideshow we created. Select the options you desire and then select Done.
  • If you had widgets on a previous theme you can add them to your home template. If this is your first netAdventist theme you can also add other widgets now. See the Widget training video for further instructions if needed. Select Save and return when done. The content pages use the default template. You can switch the layout on that template. Usually you don’t put the slideshow and Adventist Beliefs widget on the default template but you can choose your layout and add the widgets you want. Note: The Living the Adventist Life widget links are only available in English.
  • When finished, select View Site on the upper right to see your new website theme.