Watching or downloading audio or video files

In netAdventist you have the ability to listen or watch media files natively on the site. The file types that will play natively are MP3 or newer formats for audio and MP4(H.264) or newer formats for video. These file types will play the file in the built-in media player and will be available for download. They will usually open in your computer’s media player. After they are loaded you can then save the file to your local hard drive.

We recommend uploading one of each file type and having them both be available in a podcast. This way people visiting your site will have the option to either play the file via streaming or download it.

Viewing Audio and Video Files as Podcasts

  • Create a Podcast. See the Podcasts instructions in the Documentation menu tab on the netAdventist home page at ( for instructions on how to create a podcast.
  • Add media files to a new or existing Podcast by uploading one of the recommended file types.
  • If you don't already have a menu or a podcast widget, create one. See the instructions on menus or widgets.
  • Select the podcast menu or the link then select the play icon to play the file on the built-in player.

Viewing Audio and Video Files using the File Library and the Link Chooser

  • Add a recommended media file to the File Library. See the File Library instructions in the Documentation menu tab on the netAdventist home page at ( for instructions.
  • Select the Site Content tab. Create a link on a content page to the file in the File Library you wish to view. This can be done by using the Link Chooser tool when editing a content page. Place your cursor over what you want to link. If you fail to place your cursor the Link Chooser dialog box will not open.
  • Select the Link Chooser tool in the top line of tools 2nd from the end. A dialog box opens. Choose a category by selecting the drop down arrow and choosing one from the list. Next choose content to link to by selecting a category from the second drop down arrow. The content you see in the second drop down box reflects the content from the category you selected in the first drop down box.
  • Once finished making your selections, select Insert to create the link.
  • Select Save, then Preview the content page. Select the link on the content page. The built-in player will start playing the audio or video file.