Location Finder
Location Finder lets either guests or members of your netAdventist website search for a church, school or other location address you have previously entered, pointing visitors toward the right location. The Location Finder widget allows visitors to search for a location by entering an address. The Location Finder displays multiple locations on one map.
The new training video hasn’t been created yet for this feature.
- If you haven't already done so, Log in and go to the Dashboard. You are taken to the Site Content tab. If you haven't already activated the Location Finder in Extensions you will need to go to Settings and activate it. See the Extensions training video for further instructions if needed.
- In the left navigation bar select Location Finder. The Published folder will appear.
- Select the green Add New Location button in the top right corner of the screen.
- Enter the Name of the location.
- Enter the Address, City, Country, State, and Zip Code of the location.
- Select the Copy From Address button to get your locations coordinates and location on the map. NOTE: Above the address fields you have a Copy From Geocode button. You can alternately enter a set of coordinates or place a marker on the map and get your address that way. To get the coordinates of a location: On your computer, open Google Maps. Right-click the location or area on the map. This will open a pop-up window. You can find your latitude and longitude in decimal format at the top. To copy the coordinates automatically, left click on the latitude and longitude.
- Enter any additional information in the Other information fields provided. Select the green Save button.
- You may also upload a CSV file that will go into the Pending folder where you can approve pending addresses. NOTE: Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format should match what Microsoft Excel uses. The Header Row may optionally be included: name,address_address1,address_address2, address_city,address_state_province, address_postal_code,address_country, longitude,latitude,email,website_name, website_url,contact_name,contact_phone, time. NOTE: It is recommended that you remove all spaces and leave the format row in place when you create your new CSV file. This will help ensure that the upload will work correctly. You can always remove this entry later. From the Published folder select the Upload Pending CSV button.
- Select the Choose File (or Browse) button. Once you have chosen a file, select the Open button, then select the green Upload button.
- Then in the Pending folder, select the Publish button for each entry.
- You can also Download CSV with the green button at the top.
- To view your location you will need to create a Main Menu item linked to the Location Finder, Main Page. Select Save. Once the menu is created and you go to the Location Finder page, all of your entries will show as markers on the map. For your guests and members to get the address for a location they would select the markers and the address will be displayed. Select the X on the marker caption to see the markers on the map.
You also have the option to add a Location Finder Widget for guests and members to search for a location by entering an address. To do this on your homepage:
- Select Home from the left navigation bar.
- Select the Edit link at the top of the page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the edit screen and select the Widgets Change link. Select the OK button on the screen message.
- Select the Widgets tab at the top of the page.
- Select the Click Here to Add Widgets link in one of the gold containers. Choose the Location Finder Widget from the list by checking the checkbox, then select the Add widgets button at the top or bottom of the container. Note: You have the ability to move widgets between containers, however, you must have a widget in the container first before you can move one from another container.
- Now select the link on the Location Finder Widget you just added. Customize the fields as desired. Select Done.
- Select Save and return on the home template page. Then select Save.
- Select View Site to see the widget you just added.