External Feeds (RSS/Atom Feeds) Widget

You are allowed to display information from other websites on your netAdventist site by adding an external RSS/Aton feed to your website pages using the External Feeds Widget.

The new training video hasn't been created yet for this feature.

  • If you haven't already done so, Log in and go to the Dashboard. You are taken to the Site Content tab. If you haven't already activated the External Feeds in Extensions, you will need to go to Settings and activate it. See the Extensions training video for further instructions if needed.
  • Select the Settings tab at the top of the page.
  • Select the Theme and templates link from the left navigation bar.
  • Add an External Feeds widget to the template you choose. We will start with an External Feeds widget added to the home template. See the Widgets training video for further instructions if needed.
  • Now select the link on the External Feeds widget that was added. A window opens. Fill in the Title you want. There is a field allowing you to add the web address of the feed to display. Most popular sites will have RSS link buttons on their sites for you to get the correct URL. For example, we will use the RSS URL for Adventist News Network, https://feeds.feedburner.com/ann-en?format=xml. Once you have the correct URL, just copy and paste it into the External Feeds widget. Note: http:// or https:// need to be present for RSS feeds to work. The websites where the RSS is coming from will keep the widget up to date with the currenet content from that site. Select from the other options for how many entries and how they should be saved. Then select the Done button to save.
  • Select Save and return at the top or bottom of the widgets page.
  • Select View Site at the top right of your page. You are taken to your home page where you can view the widget you just added.